Our Facebook Group
We use our FaceBook Group as a sounding board and a place to instantly upload photo's of our events.
Our page is a secret page on Facebook, which means it cannot be found with a search. Because of this we are unable to post a link to it from this page.
If you would like to join our FaceBook Group you need to befriend an existing member who will add you. You will then be checked by one of our admins to ensure you are a current member. All FaceBook group members are vetted in August of each year to ensure their membership is still current.
Monthly Programs
September 20
October 16 Holistic Jane Curie color: black/orange
November 20 Auction color: fall colors
December18 Christmas Party Aprile color: red & green
January 15 Dream Center Aubrey Masters color: winter white
February 12 Veterans Thrift Terry Russell color: red
March 18 History of Women Jeannette Williams color: green
April 15 Members' Crafts color: Easter Hats
May 20 Wine Tasting color: burgundy
June 19 Presentation of Awards & Scholarships color: yellow
General Meetings
Our year runs September through June. We do not hold general meetings in July or August. General meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month at the Canyon Lake Country Club. Meetings are open if you would like to visit and see what we're about.
Doors open at 9:00 am where we have three or four vendor stalls for an hour of shopping, catching up with friends and coffee.
Meeting starts at 10:00 am followed by a break and then a speaker program.
Lunch, which is optional and must be reserved, is immediately following.
Some of the meetings are themed around a Holiday. It's always fun to see the array of witches hats at our October meeting or the wonderful Holiday outfits for our November and December meetings.